Seattle Week! Top Pot Doughnuts (Belltown)

Ain’t no way I’m going to Seattle and not trying one of two major institutions there… More on the “big one” later this week, but for now, I’ll share our enjoyable visit to Top Pot Doughnuts on a late afternoon walk towards the Space Needle.

On 5th Ave near Lenora Street

We wanted a break from the hot sun and heat (it was a totally gorgeous weekend) and thought a few iced coffees would do the trick.  The cool air conditioning and relaxing modern atmosphere was a welcome bonus!

Awesome open-concept cafe (love the books)

I wish that my picture of the bakery case turned out better – it was a true panoply of goodies.


We each chose a donut and iced drink to stay.  We chatted a bit with the servers, we wanted to make sure our to-stay cups were ceramic (rather than throwing away plastic) – they were happy to oblige and noted that all take-away containers in Seattle must be compostable/biodegradable by law.  Pretty great!  (though reusable is still better!)

Lemon Old-Fashioned & Maple Chocolate Cake

As with most food choices, Chris tends to make the better selection.  His Lemon Old-Fashioned Doughnut was amazing.  The donut itself had a lot of lemon flavour, and the glaze was quite lemony too while also having that excellent, thick, “Frosted Flakes”-like sugar texture.

Iced vanilla latte ($5)

I was a little disapointed with the Maple Chocolate Cake doughnut… I think it was a little light on the chocolate flavour, and a little too synthetic on the maple flavour in the icing (or do they call it frosting on the west coast?).  My Iced Vanilla Latte was well made, and very refreshing, strong and sweet at the same time.  At $5, this was pretty comparable to other coffee shops; though at about $2 for the doughnuts (each!) I think I’m happier with Tim Hortons’ prices still 🙂

One last picture for this post: How crazy is this assortment of books?

Cabbages and Kings? LOL - Classic food writing? 🙂

Top Pot Doughnuts (Belltown) on Urbanspoon

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